Argentina Dove Hunt

The popularity an Argentina Dove Hunt has been going on for decades. Generations of avid Dove hunters have followed there passion of coming to Argentina to experience some of the most phenomenal wing shooting you can find anywhere in the world.
Millions upon millions of Doves live their entire lives in Argentina because of the lush fertile farm lands, the abundance of water and the protection of the forests where they make their nests. It is the perfect environment for Doves to live and thrive, and thrive they have! So much so that the Argentina government has classified them as a pest and allows hunters to shoot them year round with no limits and very little restrictions.
Up until the last few years Cordoba Argentina has been considered the Dove hunters destination of choice but because of a combination of hunting pressure and environmental factors the Dove hunting in Cordoba is not what it use to be. Granted you can still go there and shoot Doves, but there are now some new places equally good or even better than Cordoba.
The area of Entre Rios province near Buenos Aires city is now fast becoming the “go to” area when it comes to Dove Hunting. The agricultural lands are vast, the availability of water is everywhere and the temperate climate produces a very inviting home for Doves to live in.

One of the big selling points of coming to Hunt Doves In Argentina is that Buenos Aires has an international airport that all the major carriers fly in and out of. Once in Buenos Aires you are at 2 hour drive average to this most amazing Dove haven.
Argentina Big Hunting offers a number of different hunting options and lodges based on the desires and hunting experience a client wants. Generally we will house our clients at the lodge closest to where the Doves are most concentrated at the time. In most cases we are less than a 30 minute drive from any of our Dove hunting lands. We have arranged for our clients to hunt private lands where the hunting pressure is low keeping the Doves less weary of a hunters presence. Our average hunter shoots a over 1000 doves per day during the peak of the season which is from October until April. We call this High Volume Dove Season.
Many of our guests like to combine other types of wing shooting while staying with us. Depending on the time of the year we offer Pigeon, Perdiz and Ducks. This means that you can shoot Perdiz in the morning and then follow that up with hunting fields for Doves in the afternoons. This type of hunting is knows as Mixed Bag.
If you are looking for the best Argentina Dove Hunt look no further than Argentina Big Hunting. We are located just a short drive from the Buenos Aires airport and our accommodations includes transportation from the airport and back.
If you like to read more information about dove hunting with us please visit our blog here.