Dove Shooting Argentina UK

England: cradle of shooters.

Dove shooting in Argentina is one of the most appealing activities for sportsmen so in the last European summer I had the privilege to visit the 2018 Game Fair at Ragley Hall /England where I was invited to see one of the best outdoors’ shows of the UK.

So, I rapidly realized about how keen the British hunters are to go to a firstclass bird hunting lodge.

Then, I find out what is the the most  appealing game in South America for the British to hunt and there is no doubt that it is our famous high volume dove shooting in Argentina.

Despite the fact that hunting in Argentina is not that well known among the bird hunters of England there is a very good niche of bird hunters that are willing to travel abroad in order to experience this unique shooting experience.

Unbelievable dove shooting experience

To the hunters I spoke with, it was almost incredible to many that in Argentina our guests  average 1000+ rounds per person per day.

I describe to the astonished hunters the thrill to see  non stop stream of millions of doves flying the Argentinean skies and it took me more than an hour to describe what we see in just 5 minutes in the field.

The birds are flying by in such a pace that we assign an assistant to each hunter to help them load their guns.

As a corollary of this visit I make a special bird hunting program called Dove Shooting Argentina UK which is a hunting program specially designed for the British hunter.

It basically consists of a dove hunting trip customized for them:

We respect the timing, the guns, the traditions and all other English traditions in order to move a piece of UK to the wild Argentinean lands for them to enjoy.

Dove shooting Argentina UK is what all the hunters from UK and Ireland have to keep in their plans when they decide to travel abroad for an unforgettable bird hunting adventure.

Image of hundreds of doves flying in the Argentinian blue sky.
High Volume doves in Argentina